CEO - Te Rāngi Āniwaniwa Trust
Hone Harawira
Ngāpuhi, Ngātiwai, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Whātua.
Hone Harawira is a Māori activist and former MP. Throughout his career, Harawira has spoken out about Te Tiriti o Waitangi, te reo Māori revitalisation, and land occupations.
Born in Whangārei, Hone attended St Stephen’s School before going on to attend Auckland University. From 1970-1985, Hone was heavily involved in the struggle for Māori rights which included:
Tiriti Rights
Land occupations
Language revival
Pacific networking, and
Indigenous development
This activism was through rōpū such as Ngā Tamatoa, Māori People’s Liberation Movement, Bastion Point, He Tauā, Hui Tāne, Waitangi Action Kōmiti, Patu Squad and The Kawariki.
In 1985, Hone and his whānau moved back to the Far North, where for the next 20 years he focused on developing Māori potential through Trusts, Iwi, Kōhanga, Kura, Wharekura, Wānanga Reo, Media and Sports organisations. Hone also held national appointments in Māori Radio, Māori Television and Māori Broadcasting.
In 2004, Hone led the Foreshore and seabed hīkoi, which launched him into NZ Parliament. Hone served as MP for Te Tai Tokerau from 2005-2014. He led the Aotearoa Smokefree and Feed the Kids campaigns, and a number of other indigenous activities and community development initiatives.
Since leaving parliament in 2014, Hone has continued his dedication to building rangatiratanga through his work with Te Rangi Āniwaniwa, Te Aupōuri Ngāti Kahu Te Rarawa (ANT) Trust, Taitokerau Rugby League, Taitokerau Border Control, and other national and international indigenous organisations.
“The election of the recent Coalition government poses a greater threat to rangatiratanga than any other government of the past 50 years. It is beholden upon us all to respond to that threat with clear, strong and positive messages and actions.”
~ Hone Harawira